
The World of Asgaroth has a Size between 500 and 2000 km² and extends over the 5 different Regions of the 5 different Volks.


The Eastern Volk of Ayakuma .


The Southern Volk of Zarathar .


The Western Volk of Elyria .


The Nordic Volk of Angrennor .


The Volk of the plains of Caladrion .

Each Region has its own NPC Capital.






At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the 5 races and create a character whose appearance can be customized. A class is not chosen at the beginning of the game.

Each race has its own skill trees with abilities that can be used. In addition, each weapon type has its own skill trees with abilities.

You will initially play with these skills to get into the game.

At level 10 you can join an NPC guild. Each race has up to 4 different guilds in their regions. If you choose a guild, the guild's skill trees are unlocked. However, it doesn't matter which race you come from. Here you have free choice if you manage to reach the other regions.

Each guild can train the player to create special classes that differ from the classes of other guilds. There are currently 44 different classes.

When the player has leveled the guild skill tree to level 20, the player can choose one of the existing classes in his guild. This also unlocks the class skill tree. All skill trees cannot overtake the player's level, so the player must also have reached at least level 20.

With player level 30 the player can join another guild.

At player level 40 the player can join a third and final guild.

This means that each player can play up to 3 classes at the same time but only one Class of each guild.

If you have filled all 3 class slots, you can also switch to another guild or class. You can level up every guild and class skill tree up to level 50. However, you can only switch with the respective guild masters.

However, it is also possible to create additional Characters.


Each Character has 4 free weapon slots, 2 on the back and 2 on the hip.

The 2 Slots on the back can be equipped with all Weapons. The 2 on the hip can only be equipped with one-handed Weapons.

The combat system will sound very complex at first, but it can be designed to be very clear and simple and is unique in its form.

Let's start with the fighting stances. There are 3 of them that you can switch through with a button.

Strong - Fast - Defensive

Each of these fighting stances gives different bonuses to the players’ attributes and skills.

The Strength increases direct damage, the Speed ​​increases status Effects and the Defense increases the Strength of Defensive Abilities.

Every Player can put together combos. These will consist of up to 10 combo Skills that the player can put together from their 3 active classes. However, combo skills and other Abilities are often dependent on certain Weapons. The combos are therefore placed in the Weapon change Window next to the Weapons with which you want to play the Combo. 


You can cycle through the weapons/combos with one button. You use the left mouse button to use these. Blocking, dodging, being stunned and pausing too long between Attacks will interrupt the Combo.

The Weapon changes are each accompanied by an action bar with 5-10 free slots, which can be equipped with (no combo) skills from the skill pool from your Classes.

There will be a variety of weapons, each with its own skill trees.

However, you should be aware that some race, guild and class skills often require certain types of weapons.

Depending on the type of weapon, these increase certain attributes of the player when used.

There will be 5 types of armor that give different attribute bonuses depending on the type of armor.

Heavy Armor

Reinforced Armor

Medium Armor

Low Armor

Light Armor


Weapons, armor and jewelry items will be available in different rarities.

All weapons and armor get free sockets in which runestones can be socketed. These also come in different rarities and can increase preferred attributes depending on the type.


There will currently be 6 different Professions that a Player can learn.







Depending on the level of the profession, higher quality items can be created. Recipes for special items can be found in instances, for example.

The level of the profession cannot overtake the player level and all crafted items have the level of the profession. 

The race you play determines the crafting style and has some items that other races cannot create.

Almost all items and resources are available in 5 different Rarity levels.

Normal - Rare - Unique - Mythical - Legendary

Depending on which race the items are made by, they have different effects on the players' attributes.



There are 3 standard attributes Life - Stamina und Mana.

In addition to these, there are other attributes that the equipment worn can affect. 

Physical Attack - Physical Effect Attack - Physical Defense

Magic Attack - Magic Effect Attack - Magic Defense

Defensive Effects - Accuracy - Evasion Rate - Critical Hit Rate 



It will be possible to build in the world of Asgaroth, but with certain limits, rules and requirements. Depending on the final size of the game world, there will be up to 80 places per region in which you can build a village. These will be fixed and have a certain radius in which you can build.

And it is only possible if you join forces with other players to form a clan with at least 10 players. Each clan can only acquire one place. This means that at least 4000 players will be housed in villages if all the places are taken.

The minimum distance between the villages is about 2 km.

The buildable radius is approximately 100m.

The radius of influence of the village is about 1km.


In the world of Asgaroth there will be some NPC villages that you can travel to.

Each of these villages offers a small quest series / story about the village.

Anyone who has completed the quest series of a village can buy a small piece of land to build on.

The rule here is that each player account can only own one piece of land. Members of a clan that owns a village cannot purchase such a piece of land. If a clan with players who already own a piece of land wants to build a village, all players must release/sell their pieces of land beforehand.

There will be around 20 villages per region and around 10 plots of land per village. This would mean that up to 1000 players could be accommodated here, and even more if you plan to share your house/land with friends and clan members.

Almost all houses etc. are available with many prefabricated models to choose from.

You choose one, place the basic structure on the ground and place the necessary raw materials in it. Then you can build the structure you want.



What also makes the game special are the NPCs that can be acquired. These can be found in the NPC villages and have certain requirements to be acquired. There are 2 basic types of these NPCs and each player can own one of each (currently planned).

Firstly, there are the fighter companions. There are 4 types to choose from.







They have their own skill trees that increase with their level. A player can also use their skill trees to put together combos and skills that the NPC will use in battle. Such an NPC can be used as an active companion, but is weaker than a player character at the same level.


On the other hand, we also have the passive NPCs. They are craftsmen of various professions who can work for the player. In addition to the professions that the player can learn, there are other professions to support the clan/village. For example, there are hunters, lumberjacks, etc.

The crafting NPCs take an active part in the game life by independently fetching the resources for active work orders from the warehouse and storing manufactured items.

They will sleep in an assigned bed at night and spend what little free time they have at the dining table or in a built tavern.

Fighters assigned to guard duty also follow this rotation, whereby they can be assigned to night or day watch.


Every clan can build outposts. These are needed to let NPCs do the work, such as lumberjacks, ore miners, hunters, etc. These outposts have a relatively small radius that can be built on.

If you own a village, you can place an outpost in the village's area of ​​influence without any requirements.

It is also possible to place these outposts in the areas of influence of other clans. However, this must be approved by the clan and can charge rent for the space.

You can place outposts outside of any area of ​​effect. However, these are vulnerable. You could also place NPC fighters here as guards.

You can assign carrier NPCs to supply these outposts with supplies and bring the raw materials they produce to the Village.  



Trade is another interesting aspect of the game. There are trading places in all capital cities where every player can see where something is being offered or needed. However, you cannot trade directly at these trading places. (Direct trade between players is always possible)

Trading is only possible at trading posts that players and clans have built on their land and in their villages. Trading must be carried out on site at the trading post or directly with players.

Trading NPCs can also carry out the trade if they are commissioned to do so. They then go off to collect the purchased material/product. (Your own trading post is required for this)

In your own trading post you can also see where and who is offering or needing what. In addition, you can also see the distance to it.

The trading posts can be linked to your own treasury. This is used to automate certain trading orders with the help of NPCs.

Since each region has its own special resources that are of interest to others, trade will be important.

If you buy and sell locally, you don't have to pay any in-game taxes. If you trade in the trading post with the help of the merchant NPCs, taxes are levied on the trade, and these increase with distance. So it's better to build trade routes to reduce in-game taxes!



Basically, if you don't want to do PvP, you don't have to. PvP can be switched ON and OFF. But this is only possible in the capital cities and villages.

There is a mix of PvP, Soft PvP and None PvP.

Except for arena battles, PvP is not allowed in any NPC towns/villages or player villages.

Except for the pure PvP areas where you cannot turn off PvP, the world of Asgaroth is soft PvP if activated.

Soft PvP works as follows:

Players can attack each other, but not kill each other. You become unconscious for a certain period of time and can be looted within this period. Looting = the winning player can loot 10% of the defeated player's inventory, but only 10% of individual item stacks and only resources.

After you have been defeated and the character comes to, you receive a protection buff that ensures that you cannot be attacked or attack players for an hour, except in an act of revenge.

You can take revenge on the previously attacking and winning player and receive the revenge buff for a certain period of time, which increases the attacks against this player. During this period, the protection buff is dissolved.

After this revenge fight, both will receive the protection buff. So think carefully about starting a fight!

There will be pure PvP areas, players fighting here, fighting to the death.

There is something special for honorable PvP players. PvP tournaments!

These are accessible from level 50.

In the capital cities there are arenas where players can challenge each other 1v1. Whoever wins here gets 100 fame points and whoever loses loses 25 fame points.

In addition, clans that own a village can build small arenas in their villages. Wandering PvP players can challenge the clan or individual players in their arena. The winner in such an arena would receive 300 fame points and the loser would lose 25 points.

Three times a month there are region-specific tournaments in which the best PvP players with the most fame points in their region can take part. Anyone who qualifies for the final in one of these tournaments cannot take part in the others until the final.

At the end of the month there is a final tournament in which the best of the regional tournaments can take part.

There are valuable prizes to be won in both tournaments.

After each final tournament, all fame points are archived. This way, you can see who has the most fame points across the server, but you have to prove yourself again every month to be invited to the tournaments.

Anyone who attacks players for no reason in the soft PvP area loses up to 25% of their fame points, depending on the level difference.  



There will be region-specific instances with different levels of difficulty. In these you can find valuable items and resources, all of which are also tradable. These instances can be entered alone or with up to 6 players. The strength of the opponents adapts to the number of players.

The difficulty level of the instances starts at level 1, whoever has completed this  can  enter the next level. This can be increased as often as you like until you reach your limits. The level of difficulty determines the drop chance of rare, higher-value items. Items generally drop at player levels. Lower, already mastered difficulty levels can always be accessed.

Every two days an obelisk becomes active per region, opening the gates to the underground from which an army of lizard warriors emerges.

This is where the regional guardians become active. The guardian of the respective region sets out to push this army back. But he will need help. If the guardian survives, all players who helped him will receive a buff that increases PvE defense and PvE attack for a week.

If this army is destroyed and the Guardian survives, the gate to the Underground will remain open for 2 days.

These caves can be entered by the players. There are some rare resources to be found there and also some elite bosses that can be defeated to obtain valuable items that cannot be found in the overworld.


The 5 Guardians von Asgaroth






There will be bandit camps, which will appear at random locations outside of the areas of effect. At the beginning these camps are relatively small, but if you don't destroy them they will become larger and more dangerous over time.

These camps can reach a size that could potentially encompass players' outposts with their aggression radius.

The robbers then attack these outposts but don’t worry:

The outposts can only be severely damaged. These then have to be repaired. The player NPCs are only severely injured and have to be healed with medicine. 

So ride around your outposts sometimes to see if everything is okay.



There are mounts in the world of Asgaroth. Currently, these only come in the form of horses. However, they are designed differently depending on the region.

Horses cannot be summoned. They are active companions.

Riding is not permitted in the capital cities; horses must be left outside the city.

Horses can be kept just about anywhere. Every clan that owns a village can build stables to keep their horses in. Players with land can place posts to tie their horses to.

A horse in the stable or at the post that is fed receives a buff that increases its movement speed for 24 hours.

Players with horses that own a post or stable can sell or rent their selected horses tied to it to other players. After the rental period has expired, the horse respawns in the stable or at the post.

Decorative items can be placed, which, depending on their rarity, can increase the well-being of the player NPCs at their workplaces and thus also their productivity.

Anyone who has enough space on their property or in their village can build a tavern. Players who sit in the tavern for a while to take a short break can pick up the "Rested" buff there. This ensures that the player has a slightly increased chance of looting and gathering rare items for 24 hours. The strength and duration of this buff can be increased depending on the amount and rarity of the decorations in the tavern.

It doesn't have to be your own tavern to get such a buff. So why not visit other villages/players?

More powerful decorative items can be crafted or found in instances and treasure chests.

Players build a bed in their houses, which is used as a respawn point.

Capital cities and NPC villages can also be used as respawn points.

If you have a tavern with several unused beds, you can rent them out to traveling players to serve as a respawn and teleport point. Only 1 bed per player.

Players can place a small shrine that serves as a respawn point before dangerous areas. This is active for about 6 hours.

More content in progress.

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