The Volk of Ayakuma


The Samurai and the Ronin


Anyone who faces one of these two master swordsmen can be sure of one thing.

That the fight will not last long.

The Kabuki Warrior


The Kabuki warrior channels Chi through his weapon to inflict physical and magical damage on nearby enemies.


The Ninja


The master of camouflage and deception can blind his enemies and inflict damage up to medium range with his thrown and melee weapons.






The Kyudo


The strength of the Kyudo Archer lies in his range and ability to cause area damage.

The more enemies, the greater the damage caused.

The Chukonu


The Chukonu Archer's strengths are his crossbow skills, which cause high damage to single targets at medium ranges. 

The Shaolin


The Shaolin is a master of close combat, armed primarily with a fighting staff, he uses his crowd control to ensure that enemies in the area have a stunning experience.


The Zhiyú


The Zhiyú is an experienced martial priest who channels the power of Chi through his weapon to heal himself and nearby allies with his attacks.






The Fireworker


Obsessed with gunpowder, the pyrotechnician will not hesitate to bombard his enemies with his arsenal of firework rockets.

Even though the accuracy decreases with range, the damage is enormous.


The Zen Master


Pure Chi flows through the Zen master's body, which he hurls at nearby enemies with his attacks in order to keep them at a distance.

His attacks cause high magical damage.




The Volk of Zarathar


The Grave Guardian


The Gravekeeper is a resilient fighter who can raise undead warriors from the sands of the desert to join him in battle.

He can also bring fallen allies back from the realm of the dead.

The Temple Guardian


The Temple Guardian is a resilient fighter who channels the power of the sun through his weapons and shields to burn and blind his enemies. 

The Gladiator


Armed to the teeth, the gladiator can perform his skills with almost any weapon, making him an unpredictable and powerful opponent.

The warmonger


Armed primarily with a polearm, the warmonger throws himself into the masses of enemies in order to wipe out a large proportion of them with his area attacks. 

The Assassin


Everyone knows him, everyone hates him. The assassin is a cunning close-combat fighter who uses targeted attacks to hit the weak points of his enemies in order to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

The Spear thrower


Primarily armed with a spear, the spear thrower deals a lot of damage to multiple enemies in the immediate vicinity, as well as individual enemies at medium range.

Because of the force of the thrown spear, it is difficult to get to him.

The Necromancer


Want some undead?

No problem!

The Sand Weaver


The Sandweaver is a powerful wizard who controls the desert winds.

With his sandstorm skills, he can inflict great damage on many enemies and obscure their vision on the battlefield.

The Homdai


The Homdai is a desert priest who stands on the threshold of the living and the dead.


His magical attacks drain life from enemies and grant it to his allies.

The Volk of Elyria


The Obsidian Guardian


The Obsidian Guardian is a very resilient warrior. Heavily armored with his skills, he can take a lot of damage.

With the power of the earth he can bind his enemies to the ground.

The Mithril Guardian


Depending on the fighting style, the Mithril Guardian floods his weapons or armor with the magic of the stars to benefit from offensive and defensive properties.

The Nightshade


The Night Fury can disappear before the enemy's eyes to inflict status effects from behind.

The Ranger


The ranger and his loyal companion.

Whether with sword or bow, the ranger is a strong fighter and marksman at close and long range, attacking strategically with his wolf.

The Druid


The druid is a relatively peaceful fellow who prefers to buff and heal his allies.

His presence alone makes allies feel more resilient.

The Golemformer


The Golemformer builds his golems from raw materials, which he has as consumables in his inventory and can summon from there.

Depending on the rarity of the raw materials, he can create powerful golems and control them with his skills.


The Spirit Caller


The Spiritcaller summons the gods of the forest in spirit form to support him and his allies in battle.

Since these are powerful forest gods, he can only call upon one of them at a time.





The Arcanist


The magic of the stars flows through the Arcanist's blood. Even though he can hardly cause status effects with this magic, the direct channeling attacks at long distances are untouchable.

The Volk of Angrennor


The Shield Guardian


The Shield Guardian can not only absorb and reflect damage well with his shield, he can also use it as a weapon and hurl it up to a medium range.

Through his shield magic, he can grant allies a damage shield.

The Berserker


The Berserker is a powerful warrior of the north who, depending on the type of weapon, can inflict large area damage or large damage to individual enemies.

The Tundra Hunter


More resilient than other Hunter classes and adept at close and ranged combat, the Tundra Hunter is an excellently versatile warrior.  

The Axe Thrower


Need a new hairstyle? Then provoke the axe thrower.

You won't get a faster shave than this one.

Even so, there probably won't be much left of you afterward...

The Shaman


More resilient than other mages, skilled in many types of magic, and a strong buff class.

One could not describe a shaman of the north better.

The Ancestor Caller


The Ancestor Caller summons a group of fallen brothers and sisters from the beyond to assist him and his allies in battle.

He can also cast healing spells.

The Fire Mage


Once upon a time, people wandered north to find the secret of magic. In the depths of the icy mountains, they were taught fire magic. And so the fire magicians were born.

With their powerful area attacks they can burn down their enemies.

The Atronach


The Atronach can concentrate the elements in his body and weapon to benefit from its advantages in close combat and at short distances.

The Volk of Caladrion



The Black Knight and the Paladin


Both arch enemies and friends, when these two warriors meet or go to war together, they become even stronger than they already are on their own.




The Warlord


The warlord mentioned by the people and the king strengthens his allies and makes his enemies tremble by his mere presence in battle.

It deals area damage up to medium range and the number of enemies in the area increases this.


The thief


You need gold? Ask the thief!

You want to get rid of your gold? Ask the thief!

You want to be attacked by someone? You know who to ask!

He is the only one who can get a share of the gold when plundering and finds more gold in treasure chests than others.


The Falconer


The Falconer is a skilled archer with long range. Although he deals most of his damage to individual enemies, his falcon will assist him by slowing down other enemies in the area. 

The Healer


Equipped with the best healing skills in Asgaroth, no one will die quickly in the presence of a healer.

However, apart from his healing skills, he cannot boast of any other talents.

The Bard


You will hear good music whether you want to or not!

The bard strengthens his allies on the battlefield with his music.

By using different instruments he can strengthen different aspects of the allies. 

The Sorcerer


Many people had probably hoped that he wouldn't be here. But yes! There he is, the sorcerer!

You could call him nasty, disgusting and mean, and that's true. With his ability to debuff his targets and unleash a whole herd of negative status effects on them, no one would want to cross his path.



The Archmage


The archmage has access to all elements that he can use for his own benefit. Even though he can cause a lot of damage with them, the damage will often be somewhat less than that of his colleagues.

However, since he can teleport into and out of combat at medium range, he becomes one of the most dangerous wizards.

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